Contact Shattuck Appraisal for your Albany appraisal needs.

Shattuck Appraisal uses mobile technology to get you faster, more accurate appraisals

Need a quick appraisal in or around Albany County that you can trust? We strive to provide fast and efficient services for our clients, and as part of that commitment we've embraced mobile technology. By using mobile devices out in the field, we've eliminated the cumbersome paper and clipboard, meaning faster and more reliable appraisals for you.

Most appraisers in Albany County are still behind the times, writing data on a clipboard with pen and paper. This can be a hindrance, because of the time consumed by the appraisers re-writing the report back at the office. Appraisers who are not up-to-date, are losing time getting their appraisals out the door.

Being a mobile appraiser means we no longer have to worry about carrying unnecessary equipment. Through an easy-to-use device, the data is uploaded straight to the office without ever having to enter in that data again, meaning a quicker turnaround time for you.

Ready to hire a tech-savvy appraiser today? Contact Shattuck Appraisal at 5185056231 now.

Through the syncing process, we're able to easily access data from our devices in the field. New data can then be gathered, making the data on the form up-to-date. With the use of laser measurers, we are able to collect accurate measurements with our devices.

As an added benefit, we're always ready to answer questions when you call or e-mail us. Mobile appraising makes us much more efficient, giving us with the files and information we need at all times so we can concentrate on appraising.